Produced by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow


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Alcohol and its problems -- Scotland's Licensing Bill

Concern about alcohol abuse and it adverse health effects on health, the family and society has increased in Scotland in recent years following an increase in alcohol-related ill health and disorder. In response to this situation a new Licensing Bill has been introduced. In this article Dr Bruce Ritson reviews Scotland’s record on alcohol and the aims of the new Licensing Bill. Read…

Herbal medicines and the EU Directive

In 2004 a European Directive on the licensing of herbal medicines was introduced following increasing public interest in the use of herbal products and parallel medical concerns regarding the safety of such medicines. Prof Bill Dawson reviews the background to, and implications of, this EU Directive. Read…


Results of a study suggesting that a compound based on breast milk could be used to treat viral warts have attracted media interest. How effective is this intriguing treatment and could it be developed to treat more serious, related, conditions? Dr Claire Benton reviews the evidence. Read…

BTMH User's guide to understanding medical reports

What should you believe, and how concerned should you be, when reading media reports of new medical and scientific studies? Learn from our practical tips on points to look for. Read…

Chronic fatigue syndrome: altered physiology and genetic influences

There has been much debate regarding the cause of CFS/ME. Is CFS/ME caused by poorly understood physical processes or by behavioural responses to everyday life? In this article Dr Fred Nye and Dr Esther Crawley examine some new research which suggests genetic factors may play a significant role in CFS/ME. Read…

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